The Team
Lucentia Team
Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondejar
Director and Full Professor
Juan Carlos Trujillo is Professor Title in the University of Alicante, Dpto. Of Software and Computer Systems. Since it obtained his doctorate in 2001, has led the investigation in Intelligence of Business and Big Dates in the Department and also has been the founder and director of the Group of Investigation Lucentia from 2008. Main subjects of investigation: Big Dates, Engineering of Requirements, Automatic Learning, Intelligence of Business, Warehouses of Data and Systems of Help to the Decision. It has advised to 14 students of doctorate. It is author of more than 200 articles in congresses, like RE, ER, UML, DAWAK or CAiSE, and of more than 70 articles in JCR, like FG, DSS, ISOFT, IS or InfSci. It is member of the Committee of Program of several congresses of first level and has been President of several workshops and congresses. Also it has been main researcher of projects of investigation and transfer of technology. It is the main cofounder of the company Lucentia Spin-off, centred in Artificial Intelligence, Big Dates and Blockchain, mainly. Titled like Project Management Professional ( PMP® ) by Project Management Institute (PMI®).
Alejandro Mate Morga
Director and Full Professor
Alejandro Matt is Professor Title in the University of Alicante, where has worked from the year 2010. It possesses a title of Engineering in Computing, which obtained in the year 2009, and later graduated like Doctor in Computing in 2013. Afterwards to finalise his studios, Alejandro Matt made stays postdoctorales in Italy and worked in a company like architect of Business Intelligence and Big Dates. During his path like researcher, has centred his endeavours in the Intelligence of Business and the Analytical, with more than 50 articles published in international conferences and skilled magazines. It has developed analytical systems and software for projects so much national like international, and has received recognitions by the novelty of his algorithms. In the actuality, finds focused in projects related with the Internet of the Things (IoT), what allows him continue contributing to the development and the innovation in the field of the technology.
Manuel Marco Such
Full Professor
Manuel Marco Such is a professor of the University of Alicante and graduate in Physical Sciences and a Doctorate in Computer Engineering. It has occupied diverse charges of leadership, including be Vice-chancellor of Infrastructures and New Technologies in the University of Alicante, Director of Technology in Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes and General Director of Resources in The Net S.L. His experience centres in And-Learning and Digital Libraries, and has published several investigations in national and international magazines of quality, in addition to having registered several patents of Copyright. At present, it exerts like Director of Technology of the Centre Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes, and his interests of investigation include the application of Semantic Web, Big Dates and Artificial Intelligence.
Jesus Peral Cortes
Full Professor
Jesús Peral, Doctor in Computing by the University of Alicante in 2001, is known by his investigations on the Processing of the Natural Language, the Extraction of Information, the Recovery of Information, Research of Responses, warehouses of data and applications of Intelligence of Business. In the University of Alicante, went director of the Program of Doctorate in Computing and secretary of the Department of Languages and Computer Systems. It has led projects of investigation to national and international level in collaboration with public and private companies, directing 5 theses doctorales and publishing more than 90 articles in magazines and skilled conferences, of which 28 appear in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Peral Also has been coeditor of 4 special numbers of magazines JCR, and has taken part in more than 30 programs, committees organisers and revisor of congresses and national and international magazines.
Rafael Romero Jaén
Associate Professor
Rafael Romero is a professional graduated in Computing, speciality of Management, by the Polytechnical University of Valencia. Until the obtaining of his square to Title of University School in 1997 in the University of Alicante, make his professional activity like Analyst-Programmer of Systems with agreements of Associated part time in the University of Alicante. It has imparted mainly teaching of first and second cycle in the degrees of Engineer in Computing, as well as in Technical Engineerings in Computing of Management and Systems and at present in the studios of Degree in Computer Engineering with subjects related with the Programming, Engineering of the Software, Systems of Information. Besides, from 2003 until the actuality, has imparted teaching in subjects of Computing and Technologies applied to the tourism so much in the ancient degree of Diplomatura in Tourism as in the current Degree of Tourism and double Degree in Tourism and Administration and Direction of Companies.
Rafael Muñoz Terol
Associate Professor Ph.
Technical engineer in Computing of Management, Engineer in Computing and Doctor Engineer in Computing by the University of Alicante. Professor Associated of the Department of Languages and Computer Systems of the University of Alicante.
It has imparted teaching in different subjects of Engineering of the Software from 2005 in the following official degrees of the University of Alicante: Technical Engineering in Computing of Management (plan 2001), Computer Engineering (plan 2001), Degree in Computing and Máster in Web services and Development of Applications. Also it has imparted teaching in different official subjects of the University of Alicante in which it has done use of different technologies like Java, PHP, .NET, iOS, Windows Phone, CSS/HTML, jQuery, etc. In his current area of investigation works in the obtaining of indicators (KPIs) from the treatment of big volumes of information structured (Big Dates).
Miguel Ángel
Assistant Professor Doctor
Miguel A. Teruel Is Professor Assistant Doctor in the Department of Software and Computer Systems of the University of Alicante. Besides, it is the Director of the Máster University developing of Applications and Web services in said institution. Before joining to the academic world, Miguel To. Teruel Exerted diverse roles in the business sector, as consultor senior of YOU and CEO of MTMinfo. Thanks to his path and excellent exert in his work, received a scholarship FPU of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain in the period of 2012 to 2016, with an international stay in the VU Universiteit of Amsterdam. Miguel To. Teruel Is author of numerous articles in notable international congresses and magazines JCR. His thesis doctoral was awarded with the Extraordinary Prize of Doctorate by the University of Castile-La Mancha and the Best National Thesis of Doctorate by the Spanish Society of Engineering of the Software and Technologies of the Development of the Software (SISTEDES). At present, his work researcher centres in surroundings Post-WIMP, eHealth, Big Dates Analytics, Gamification and Blockchain.
Gustavo Candela Romero
Adjunct Professor
Gustavo Candela is Doctor in Computing by the University of Alicante. His main areas of interest in investigation are the Semantic Web and the compilation of data. It has taken part in the integration of Linked Open Dates in libraries. Also it takes part in the GLAM International Labs with the aim of reutilizar digital collections of inspiring and creative form.
Ana Lavalle López
Adjunct Professor
Ana Lavalle, PhD (2021, University of Alicante), is Professor Associated of the Department of Software and Computer Systems (University of Alicante) and Researcher Postdoctoral in the project BALLADEER – PROMETHEUS/2021/088 (To Big Dates analytical platform for the diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) featuring extend reality), of the university institute of computer investigation. His main areas of investigation are Visualisation of Big Dates, Analytical of Data, Engineering of Requirements and ethical and biases in Artificial Intelligence. During his investigation, has published articles in notable international congresses and magazines JCR. Also it has made stays in centres of investigation of prestige abroad linking his investigation with the one of the centres receptors.
Maria Pilar Escobar Esteban
Adjunct Professor
María Pilar Escobar is Doctor in Computing by the University of Alicante. At present it makes works of investigation and development in the Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes. His main areas of investigation are the systems of information for digital libraries, the recovery of information and the semantic web. Also it is author of several publications and has taken part in the adoption of standards and in the integration of Linked Open Dates in digital libraries.
Maria Dolores Sáez Fernández
Adjunct Professor
María Dolores Sáez Fernández is a graduated in technical engineering in computing of management of the University of Alicante. It has completed a Máster developing of Applications and Web services and finds at present making a doctorate in Computing. Like researcher and developer, María devotes to the Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes, centring in the areas of visualisation and quality of data in digital libraries. Through his investigations, encourages for improving the experience of the user and the access to the information. María has showed a big interest by the digital libraries and has taken part in several projects of investigation to improve the quality and accessibility of the data in these platforms. Besides, it has contributed to several national and international publications in these areas of interest.
Francisco Javier Sanchis Bernabeu
Adjunct Professor
Francisco Javier is a professional with a formation in Computer and Computational Engineering, that has a Master in Computational and Mathematical Engineering. He is the founder of the company XSB Disseny i multimedia, where has worked during 15 years developing systems e-commerce and web. At present, it occupies the charge of Researcher in XSB Disseny i multimedia, where devotes to develop new technologies for web applications and multimedia. Besides, it is professor associated in the University of Alicante, where imparts subjects in several academic programs, including Degree in computing, Degree in multimedia, Degree in engineering biomédica and master in computing. Also it is making his Doctorate in computing, with an approach in the Artificial Intelligence, what allows him maintain updated with the last tendencies and advances in his field of specialisation.
Alexander Sanchez diaz
Adjunct Professor
Alexander Sánchez Díaz has experience in sciences of the computation and technologies of the education. It has worked in the Agricultural University of the Habana and the Polytechnical University of Valency in Spain. At present, it works in projects R&D of Artificial Intelligence in Lucentia Lab. It has directed several theses doctorales and collaborated in international projects, included the project «Unlocking the Colonial File» of the University of Lancaster. Alexander also has presented three registers of copyright in Spain and has led the first system of Only Window for formalities of citizenship in Cuba. His areas of interest include the Minería of Processes, the Vision by Computer, the Virtual Assistants, the Machine Learning, the Deep Learning, the Big Dates, the Optimisation, the Parallel Computation and Distributed.
Jose Manuel Barrera Arroyo
Predoctoral Researcher
Jose Manuel Barrera Arroyo is currently working as a PhD student at the University of Alicante, after obtaining the extraordinary award of the master’s degree in Computer Engineering in 2019. He has recently published the article “Solar Energy Prediction Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Open Data” and has pending other publications in recognized high impact journals. His interests are machine and Deep learning, data analysis, data science, IoT and E-Health and BigData.
Sandra García Ponsoda
PhD Student
Sandra García is a pre-doctoral researcher contracted by the ValgAI (Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence) foundation grant. After graduating in Mathematics from the University of Alicante, she continued her academic training with a Master’s degree in Data Science at the same university. In addition, Sandra has more than a year of experience in the IT consulting sector. Her line of research focuses on applying her mathematical and statistical knowledge to the area of Artificial Intelligence to help with the diagnosis of ADHD using electroencephalographic signals.
Álvaro Navarro López-Menchero
Predoctoral researcher
Álvaro Navarro López-Menchero is a predoctoral researcher contracted by the AETHER-UA project (PID2020-112540RB-C43). He is also a PhD student in computer science. Both positions are directed and supervised by Professor Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondéjar, director of the Lucentia Research Group of the Department of Computer Languages and Systems (DLSI) at the University of Alicante (UA).
His line of research is closely linked to different aspects contemplated by organizations such as the European Union (EU) in its 2030 agenda, a decade called the decade of digital transformation and inclusion in this emerging industry 4.0 (also called the fourth industrial revolution). More specifically, this line focuses on the explainability of artificial intelligence, the modeling of systems and environments, machine learning or the justice of artificial intelligence, among others.
Jorge García Carrasco
PhD Student
Jorge is a predoctoral researcher hired by the CIACIF grant of the GVA (CIACIF/2021/454). After graduating in Physics in 2020 with a specialization in quantum computing, his interest in delving into the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) led him to continue his studies with a Master’s degree in Data Science. His expertise in these areas led him to join Lucentia Research, where he is currently pursuing a PhD thesis focused on the explainability of AI systems, analyzing them from a theoretical point of view, with the aim of improving the reliability and safety of such systems. His experience and background in physics and quantum computing make him a valuable member of the research group.
Alejandro Panagiotidis Arrizabalaga
Computer Engineer
With a master’s degree in data science, he currently works at Lucentia Research, where he is dedicated to the development of the architecture for the collection of data from different devices in the Balladeer project. With his expertise in Big Data technologies, Alejandro is able to design and develop scalable and efficient systems for storing and analyzing large amounts of data. With his focus on quality and efficiency.
Alejandro Fernández de Córdoba Bru
Technical Specialist
Alejandro plays a crucial role as lead game programmer. His main role consists of programming using C# and the Unity platform, where he demonstrates his skill and creativity to create immersive and high quality experiences. In addition to his Unity responsibilities, Alejandro has collaborated on side projects, contributing his knowledge in Python and TypeScript programming.
Marina Guillén Davó
Social Media Manager
Marina Guillén Davó is a recent marketing graduate with a keen interest in research and data analysis. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in digital communication to expand her knowledge and skills in the field of digital marketing. Her role at Lucentia is that of Social Media Manager, where she applies her skills in research and data analysis for the planning and execution of marketing strategies in the company’s social networks. With her research profile and dedication, she is willing to continue learning and growing in her academic and professional career.
Marina Maciá Ferrández
Graphic Designer
Marina is a graphic designer with a great passion for technology. She currently works in Lucentia’s research group, where she is in charge of creating stunning and attractive designs for video games in their different platforms, as well as other graphic design tasks such as web pages or corporate identities. With her creativity and innovation, Marina is able to create unique and exciting visual experiences for the users of this project. Her ability to combine art and technology allows her to create designs that are both aesthetically appealing and functional.
Personal colaborador

Roberto Tardío Olmos
Adjunct Professor

Alejandro Sánchez Muñoz
Adjunct Professor

Juan Luis Dalmau Espert
Adjunct Professor